Archive for Michael Corinthos

You say you want a revo-lucien (warning SPOILERS)

Posted in Fabulous Jones, General Hospital, Honest to blog, Soap Operas, Sonny Corinthos with tags , , , , , , , on April 10, 2011 by ghblowhard

General Hospital is more like general confusion these days.

Sonny and Brenda fans should have known better than to drink the Guza Koolaid and think their couple would continue to get good writing for more than two weeks or so. S&B play hide and seek….Guza hides Sonny and Brenda and their fans seek them….for days, and days. Fans go with them breathlessly anticipating a warm and rewarding honeymoon and POOF, they get an imaginary invisible honeymoon, an invisible trip back to Greystone and a short, short birthday celebration for Brenda  .  S&B get almost two full DAYS of happiness before Suzanne enters with cute little Lucien, supposedly Brenda’s son.  Brenda, desperately wanting a child, accepts Lucien as hers.  Sonny doesn’t trust Suzanne (and rightly so) and wants Brenda to have a DNA test to make sure. Carly suddenly remembers that Morgan is Sonny’s child (after several attempts at having Jax adopt him, an adoption which apparently hasn’t gone through) and makes daily trips to Greystone to taunt Brenda and mark her territory.  Brenda wants Sonny to ban Carly from Greystone (who can blame her?) but Sonny knows the hell Carly would put him and more importantly, Michael and Morgan, through if he does that.  He wants his children not to be put in the middle and to feel welcome in his home.

There are rumblings that Brenda will start to worry about keeping Lucien safe in Sonny’s world (like her’s is any safer! hello! BALKAN!) and run to Jax about this.  We are even hearing that VMG  may leave GH this summer and may exit Port Charles with IR in tow (so far this is just a rumor).  If that’s true Guza will have pissed on Sonny fans and S&B fans for the THIRD time.  Many Sonny fans will be DONE with S&B.   DONE!

Guza says the child’s name is Lucien for a reason which has some speculating that Lucien may be some kind of demon seed.

While Brenda is wondering if Sonny’s world is too dangerous for her “son”, everyone else  is busy telling Mighty Jase, Guza’s King of the Universe, that he would make father of the year (in spite of the fact that both he and Sonny are in the mob) and should have a child with Sam.   He is also the all knowing protector.  Only  HE can protect Jossy, Lucien, Michael and everyone else except for Jake.  The expressions never change from wounded mode to heroic mode and that confuses us but they are in Guza’s mind both part of the Mighty One’s eternal magnetism at least in Guza’s eyes.

Along with that, fans have discovered that there is a powerful magnetic draw also between Luke and Lucky, both having been called upon to give powerful and very worthwhile performances….over …and over…..and yet again….over. So, toss suffering Lulu between these two and you have Spencers in overkill drive, with Luke putting down alcohol faster than lighting can strike, Lucky weeping buckets of tears and Lulu whining because that seems to be her part in this mess. Even Dante’s air time has been cut momentarily while the Spencer’s duke it out daily.  TG and JJ did have some great scenes with Maurice this past week which was a a nice and unexpected nod to the friendships of Luke and Lucky to Sonny.

Here’s a question! We’ve had ample scenes of Jason, Lucky and Luke mourning the loss of little Jake.  When do we get to see Liz mourn–you know Liz, JAKES MOTHER!

Enter next, Johnny who matches Psycho Doctor gamely in the “nut” department by constantly comparing her to Psycho Sister, Claudia, who he continues to worship and pity as though she was a demonic version of The Flying Nun. Johnny mentions Claudia so much  one might get the impression that he wanted to “do” his sister and Lisa is the next best thing. YUCK!!.   This couple makes one WANT to get away and the only other place to run, unfortunately on this show right now, is right into the midst of mini-Jason, Michael, who except for being a big bland teddy bear type of fellow, is portrayed as badly in need of guidance that only Mighty Jase can provide while saving him from himself and any bad guy he feels like messing with.   Jason’s dialog these days is dotted with “I’s”:

  • I have to save Michael.
  • I have to protect Joss.
  • I have to find and fight Franco.
  • I have to protect Lucien.
  • I have to wonder why I didn’t do better with Jake.

I have to wonder if I need more Milk of Magnesia!

That kind of self obsession can be a real drag for viewers after five minutes or so. A slight help to some is the insertion of better material for Scrubs….for the moment. It is sad when the most upbeat moments, other than the ones for the invisible S&B couple, are those of a couple toying with seeking counseling for a marriage broken up due to indiscretion with crazy Psycho Doctor Lisa, who still sniffs this couple out like a blood hound in heat, even when she can bed down the sneering Johnny and reminisce about sicko Claudia any time she wants. So, with the three days kidney swap in place, miracle baby, Joss , big mouthed momma Carly and new bodyguard, Shawn will head home knowing that Jason will keep all of them safe. Jax must be out trying to find the dungeon camp that invisible Morgan is attending.

What will be the future for all…..ask Jason. He is in charge of everything and everybody.

Stay Fabulous!


Monday, April 11
*Dante finds a surprising connection between *Brandon & Johnny.
*Michael asks Jason to help him when Abby is called in for questioning about Brandon’s murder.

Tuesday, April 12
*Michael refuses to heed Abby’s advice.
*Brenda worries about keeping Lucian safe.
*Brenda voices her concern to Jax about not knowing how to raise a child among mob danger.
*Dante finds a surprising connection between Brandon and Johnny.
*Michael tells Jason he’s his own man & will make his own choices.

Wednesday, April 13
*Dante reluctantly tells Sonny he thinks Johnny is setting Michael up for MURDER!

Thursday, April 14
*Sonny confronts Johnny!
*Michael confides his desires for power!
*Sonny, Dante & Jason fears that Johnny maybe trying to recruit Michael for the (Z) mob!
*Sonny , Dante & Jason stratize for how how to keep Johnny from turning to Johnny!

Friday, April 15
*Sonny worries Brenda is becoming too close to Lucian.
*Sonny worries Suzanne will hurt Brenda!
*Sonny, Dante and Jason fear that Johnny may be trying to recruit Michael for the mob.
Sonny confronts Johnny.
*Brenda asks Michael about Sonny’s role in his life.
*Brenda asks Michael IF he regrets living in Sonny’s world & growing up as his son!

Monday, April 18
*Michael sings Carly’s praises as a mother

Tuesday, April 19
*We will see Anthony when Johnny goes to visit him in prison, saying that he didn’t kill Brandon

Wednesday, April 20
*Sonny’s children surprise him on his birthday!
*During Sonny’s birthday surprise Molly brings up Brenda and sets Carly off.
*Anthony encourages Johnny to get Michael under his wings before his parents can interfere.
*Carly and Sonny try to prevent Michael from joining the Mob.

Thursday, April 21
*Carly & Brenda have a showdown!
*Carly warns Brenda to NEVER come between Sonny & his kids.
*LuLu pays Johnny a visit & asks him to leave Michael alone.
*Dante learns there is a video that implicates Michael in Brandon’s murder.

Friday, April 22
*Sonny confronts Anthony Z in jail.
*Sonny Presses Dante to break whatever laws he has to to protect his brother.
*Johnny arrives home to find Anthony Z there.

The following may or may not have come from GHH

UPCOMING…….Sonny grows suspicious of Lucian & Brenda worries how to raise him in Sonny’s world.
Since, Sonny doesn’t believe Suzanne’s story it will cause trouble for S&B.

Diane wonders what kind of long-term commitment is Sonny willing to make in terms of Lucian? He has to consider all of this carefully!

With Lucian appearance S& B will be in uncharted territory.Brenda nor Sonny was expecting a 3 year old.

Brenda seeks help from Michael & her he would never want his siblings raise in the mob!!!

Michael continues to put pressure on his father to become part of the family business. On the bright side, keeping Michael out of the mob is pretty much the only thing Jason and Dante can agree on, so they team up to talk Michael down. But it’s not as simple as it seems — not when the Zacchara organization gets involved. Suddenly, there’s a connection between Johnny and Brendan’s murder. Dante comes up with a theory: Johnny is setting Michael up to take the fall.Brenda continues bonding with the son she never knew she had. But what’s weighing on her mind is how she can manage to raise a child within Sonny’s mob world. Look for her to turn to Jax for answers. Sonny, meanwhile, is still incredibly concerned about this turn of events — he doesn’t trust Suzanne AT ALL. But is this just Sonny being wary of a possible wedge between him and Brenda? Or is he on to something? 

Plus Lisa continues to work Kristina, and the Spencers are working overtime trying to get Luke to shape up. What’s going to get through to him?

Luke starts to go through withdrawal when he tries to prove he is not an alocoholic
Kristina refuses to do lisa’s dirty work; Kristina realizes something is wrong when she starts to have some withdrawals

Lisa blackmails Kristina with drugs

Siobhan tells luckt that she will understand is lucky wants to end their marriage,now that he knows Aiden is his son

Luke visits jake’s grave

Johnny sets up a scenario where michael plays the hero

Johnny recruits ethan for help

Patrick and Robin have their first official marriage counseling session, leaving them both feeling gut-punched and daunted.

Kristina will ask Ethan to the prom, but he turns her down

Lisa masks a narcotic as an herbal supplement, giving it to Kristina

Although Sam turns down Carly’s offer, she secretly reconsiders having the procedure that would allow her to have a baby.
Meanwhile, Jason comes to the conclusion that all his reasons for not wanting a child are no longer credible.Sam tells Jason about Carly approaching her regarding the baby subject.
The couple grows closer over the idea of having a family. 

Sam offers Liz her condolences.

Liz gives Jake’s toy motorcycle to Jason.

Will Johnny help Luke find the road to redemption?

Lucky asks Lulu for help to save their father.

Tracy proves to Luke that he is not as sharp as he thinks he is on alcohol.

Abby is taken in by the PCPD for Brandon’s murder.
Michael seeks out Jason’s help; both Carly and Jason warn Michael to keep her distance from Abby during the investigation. Even Abby tries to convince Michael that perhaps they should take a break, but Michael refuses.

Ronnie sets a trap for Corinthos family.
Ronnie tells Michael to confess or Dante will loose his badge.

Diane is concerned that Michael is covering for Abby.

Johnny offers Michael his support.

Dante reluctantly tells Sonny he believes that Johnny is setting Michael up for Brandon’s murder.

An emotional Michael admits that he wants to be in a position of power like his father and Jason.

Jason reels from Michael’s words that he has modeled his life after Jason.

Michael will tell Jason that he would be a wonderful father.

Lulu helps Dante realize that perhaps Johnny’s motive is more protective.

Both Liz and Lucky separately tell Steve that they blame themselves for Jake’s death.
Each thinks the other holds them responsible.

An encounter with Liz has Maxie wondering about Aiden’s paternity.
Maxie seeks Matt’s advice regarding Liz.

Maxie discovers the truth.
Maxie steals the DNA results from Liz’s house, preventing Lucky and Nik from finding the test.

Maxie prompts Liz to tell the truth.

Liz arrives to tell Lucky about the paternity results and finds Lucky and Nikolas closer than ever.
Will she change her mind?

Liz can’t bring herself to reveal the paternity truth after seeing the bonding between Nikolas and Lucky.
Nikolas comes close to stumbling upon the truth on his own but Liz snatches the results from his hands before he realizes what he has.
Suzanne reveals her true agenda, proving Sonny’s concerns to be legit.Carly warns Brenda to never to come between her kids and Sonny.

Kristina wants Ethan to escort her to the prom.
He turns her down.

Could Anthony be behind Brandon’s murder?

Shawn refuses to work for Anthony.

Jax warns Brenda about Sonny’s dangerous influence on children.

Sonny overhears, an angry confrontation ensues, leaving Brenda shaken.

Luke may be forced into rehab BUT, “That’s not Luke’s style, so he’s probably not going to stay there. He doesn’t do G-d or 12-step programs. I went to Bob Guza and said, ‘If you’re going to send him to a clinic, don’t make it Betty Ford. Let’s not besmirch their good reputation!'”
–Tony Geary, TVGuide

Shawn turns down Jax’s offer of 10 million dollars to leave Port Charles and never look back.

Shawn refuses to take the money, insisting he will protect Josslyn from Franco.

Tomorrow never knows (spoilers)

Posted in Fabulous Jones, General Hospital, Honest to blog, Maurice Benard, Soap Operas, Sonny Corinthos with tags , , , , on March 20, 2011 by ghblowhard

Sonny Corinthos

Image via Wikipedia

What’s next for Sonny?

Speculation is running high that Vanessa will be leaving in the not too distant future.  Will it be June?  July? August?  Nobody is sure at this point probably not even Vanessa.  Or was it something everyone knew all along?  Is that a red herring Vanessa lays out there in interviews not only to keep folks guessing but to use as a bargaining point to obtain desired off time and obtain desired story line or exit story?  There are far more questions than answers right now.

Scenarios vary and what is important to Sonny fans in all this is the fact that the negotiations, the direction of story line and the exit timing all affect the Sonny story line.  The fact that the characters drew a lot of attention by actually getting married factors heavily.  Also factored in prominently is the deep love Sonny has expressed for Brenda.

For the first time in years, this writing has not tossed Sonny in the dumpster stripping him of all ability to have friends, a point of view , family ties..  Instead it has allowed him to reconnect with his children,  renew friendships with Luke and Robin, and last but not least,  be written to have a  true love connection with a woman who returns his unconditional love with one of her own,.  Considering the horrendous writing for one solid year that Sonny got the the moment he pulled that trigger and shot his son, and  for the remainder of the year following that disaster, the writing for the last few months has been a Godsend to the character and his fans.

We have real Sonny back, a combination of mob boss, father, friend and husband.  But Guza has proven in the past as he totally destroyed original Sonny, stripping him of true love, friends and family, that his idea of Sonny is NOT what fans want to see, it is what Guza wants to see.  Can he resist that temptation this time and continue to allow a more mature Sonny to evolve, layered,  and allowed to combine family,  romance, humor and love with his continued mob boss demands?  Maurice can pull that off easily, but can Guza?  That’s the problem.

And that brings us to problem #2.…what if Vanessa leaves?  If it is on short Geary like periods, how will that be written?  Will Guza be tempted to box Sonny back into one dimensional hell during these absences reverting to a Sonny that gets blamed for everything, makes all the mistakes and gets all the lectures from all in PC again?  That would be a total step backward for the character and his fans.  OR will Vanessa leave completely leaving a heart broken Sonny totally at Guza’s mercy where  the writer could embrace to the max that tiresome dark dark dark side of Sonny and toss Carly back in there with her “I told you so’s?”  One can only shudder and run if that ever happens.  OR will Sonny be so angry, hurt, frustrated that we get a quick fix woman, maybe Claire, shot back at him too quickly making Sonny look ridiculous and needy.

Here’s a thought, Mr. Guza.  Don’t hang this mess on Sonny if Vanessa leaves.  Let him shock himself and his viewers and emerge stronger and in control, leave him single for a while or throw him some uncommitted goodies to keep him amused, but do NOT regress this character who has been a delight to his fans by reappearing as the Sonny we love and enjoy.

Scenario #3 which could still very much be in play, is that this is all a ploy and Vanessa wants to stay, and she, Maurice and GH are working to obtain a story line that allows her ample time off and allows the type of relationship that both Maurice and Vanessa would like to see….Sonny and Brenda loving each other and working through problems together.  THAT would be a nice change on this show but this is Guza so good luck with that one.

In summary, Sonny fans, S&B fans, and Brenda fans are all watching carefully to see what unfolds and since this is GH and Guza is doing the writing,   the whole scenario strikes fear in to all fan bases as they wait and wonder.

Stay Fabulous!


Monday, March 21
*Kristina makes trouble for Abby.
*Dante and Sam work together to find who perpetrated Jake’s hit and run.
*Carly asks Jason to save her Daughter.

Tuesday, MARCH 22
*On his honeymoon, Sonny cannot stop trying to track Theo!
*Sam realizes that both she and Carly could have been the ones to hit Jake.

Wednesday, March 23
*Suzanne unwillingly reveals the location of Brenda’s child to Theo!

Thursday, March 24
*Both Carly and Sam think they may have hit Jake.
Carly confesses to Jason she might have hit Jake.
*Sam tells the PCPD that she fears she might have hit Jake.
*Michael decides to protect his mother, even if it means destroying evidence.
*Patrick threatens Johnny.

Friday, March 25
*Sonny & Brenda return home from their honeymoon to comfort Jason. (DVR ALERTS)
*Michael and Abby console each other.
*Carly receives a message from Franco threatening Josslyn.

Monday, March 28
*Michael & Abby make love.
*Sam “makes a confession” to Josslyn.
*Sam recalls her heartbreak over her lost daughter, as well as her daughters’ gift of life to Kristina years ago.

Tuesday, March 29
*Brenda & Sonny return home. (CGS)
*Brenda attempts to visit Carly & Joss in the hospital.
*Lulu tries to rationalize Luke’s drinking habits.
*Michael and Abby will run into Brandon(Abby’s ex boyfriend).

Wednesday, March 30
*Sonny shares a “heartbreaking” conversation with Luke!
*Dante & LuLu agree to put family first while simultaneously upholding the law.

Thursday, March 31
*Michael vows to protect Abby.
*Abby decides to drop the charges against Brandon.
*Theo gets closer to finding his grandchild.

Friday, April 1
*Sonny surprises Brenda by remembering her birthday!
*Brenda confides in Sonny that she longs to be a mother.

Monday, April 4
*Jason stops Michael from pulling the trigger (on Brandon, Abby’s ex).

Tuesday, April 5
*Suzanne arrives with a surprise!
*Who killed Brandon?

Wednesday, April 6
*Lisa tries to get friendly with Kristina after learning she will be babysitting Emma.

Thursday, April 7
*Luke looses control.

The following may have come from GHH

Terrell prescribes chemotherapy for Josslyn’s cancer, but Jax balks in hopes they can find an organ donor.Dante and Sam learn the identities of all the drivers who were on that road around the time Jake was hit, seven in total.

Michael decides to protect his mother even if it means destroying evidence.
With Kristina’s help, Michael distracts Ronnie at the PCPD to get access to the list of suspects in Jake’s hit and run.

Kristina manages to keep Abby away from Michael as he watches over Josslyn.

Maxie finds solace in Matt.

Jason watches the efforts to save Jake. Robin tellls Jason he did not make it.
Jason informs Lucky that Jake has died.
Ultimately, Liz learns the heartbreaking news from Lucky, who finds her in the chapel.
Lucky and Liz share a powerful moment in the chapel.

Patrick loses it, but Robin is by his side with loving support.

Liz accuses Carly and Sam of wanting Jake to die.Heartbroken and in denial about Jake’s hopeless condition, Liz calls out Jason.

Jason and Carly emotionally discuss the terrible circumstances involving Jake and Josslyn.

Jason agrees to speak with Lucky and Liz on Carly’s behalf to save Josslyn who needs a kidney.
Liz is enraged, but ultimately she agrees to the kidney donation.

Lucky and Liz say good bye to Jake.Lucky wishes he had Aiden to help fill the void of losing Jake.

Lucky and Liz break the news to Cameron.

Steve mourns for the loss of Jake as he comforts his sister.
He worries she is on the verge of another breakdown.

Carly thanks Liz for donating Jake’s kidney and is sorry for her loss.

Jason breaks down over the loss of Jake; only Sam can comfort him.

Sam shares her feelings of guilt as she recalls a time she wished that Jake never existed.

Alexis is there for Jax.

Jason and Edward share a close moment.

The Spencer family gather at the hospital to support Liz and Lucky.
Lulu shares her worries over how Jake’s death will affect her family, with Dante.

Niklas admits he doesn’t know what he would do if he lost Spencer or Aiden.

Shawn guards Carly and Josslyn at the hospital.

Robin gets the syringe and throws down with Lisa. Lisa gets violent with a scalpel.
Lisa manages to steal back the incriminating syringe and destroys it.

Sonny and Brenda return to Port Charles after learning of Jake’s death.

Dante tells Jason he found out “who is responsible” for Jake’s hit and run.

“Evidence” points to Robin; she goes to the police to turn herself in.

Abby’s ex-boyfriend is back in town and causes trouble.
Brandon beats Abby.Michael and Abby fight over Michael having a gun.

Patrick and Robin flirt in front of Lisa.

Nikolas says good-bye to Brook Lynn.

Luke loses control.

Spinelli tells Maxie she was the inspiration behind his memoirs.

Sonny visits Josslyn.

Carly asks Jason not to go after Franco.

Sonny and Luke have a heartbreaking conversation.

Suzanne disposes of Theo just as he is about to meet his grandson!

Abby will drop the charges against Brandon in order to protect Michael.Michael is determined to protect Abby no matter the cost.

Jason discusses with Sam whether he should have given up Jake;
they come to the realization that all a parent can really do is to love their child.

A Cloudy Crystal Ball: a Tongue in cheek look at the current state of GH

Posted in Fabulous Jones, General Hospital, Maurice Benard, Soap Media, Soap Operas, Sonny Corinthos with tags , , , , on January 24, 2011 by ghblowhard

Michael Corinthos

Image via Wikipedia

We are now in a new year with a whole new list of Guza ideas being put out there.  Knowing Guza, how many of these will actually happen the way they are described?  How many will actually happen period?

Let’s look at Sonny and Brenda.  Whoopee, talk about ALL the time these two get to spend with each other…usually two minutes or less and than off to five other scenes so that a total disconnect can occur that demolishes any continuity of story between them.  Sonny is having nightmares about the wedding but none worse than his fans are having….being well acquainted with the weddings and after glow that Guza has served up for Sonny lately.  Instead of a horrified Sonny watching his wife- to -be get  shot at the altar, will Guza instead try to  kidnap her or blow her up after the wedding?  But is that the only danger to the upcoming nuptials?

What , you ask, could be more lethal, more annoying and frightening, more disgusting and unwatchable….well that would be the she beast from hell, the sneering, teeth baring, lip curling never ending  screamer, Carly, who plans her own nasty wedding ruining surprise.  Here’s a nice switch Guza should consider….get those cars mixed up if there is to be a kidnapping and swipe the mouth that roars instead.  If the car should blow up, so much the better for all who value their sight and their hearing.    Jax knows how to protect his health… because he apparently is on the run or taking a nice long break from the loud vindictive blond that roars and hasn’t been seen in days.  Maybe he and Morgan are on a celebrity tour where Jax is lining up important folks to sign Morgan’s cast!!!!  As long as he has THAT PHONE, the man has connections!!!

Enter the wedding planner  brought on by the village simpleton, Spinmaster, who thought that it would be helpful to Brenda to bring in the one person who can be more obnoxious than Diane and Suzanne combined.  Sure needed that on this show.  They should pair her with Milo.  Maybe his  Campbell heart healthy soup would calm this woman down and she could inherit Milo’s marshmallow personality.

Onward we go to Liz.  Volumes have already been explored about Rebecca’s departure so we need not go there  yet again.  Now we can look forward to Guza turning a relatively sweet but not always nice Liz into  either a raving vindictive scorned woman, alone and ready to turn lovely finger nails into sharp thorns, or he could toss her in Fernwood, drooling, hyperventilating,  slowly losing touch with reality so that Guza can  pull the old pumpkin  headed dummy out of the attic and call her Liz instead of Laura.

Fast forward now to Dante who had thousands either cheering or worried because he missed his first day off the show in months.  Where was Dante…he’s never off our screens.  But wait, Theo alias the Balkan, has joined Diane’s staff along with fair Claire.  Theo, while juggling three different dialects,  has set out to prove that there is someone who can gossip more than Alexis, Claire and Diane  combined.  In just a few days he has managed to blab to all who will listen, especially gullible Lulu, that Dante and Brenda also killed and covered up Alexander’s death.  What ever happened to being protected by one’s lawyer.  Nobody has caught on yet, that with this guy as Brenda’s lawyer, an axe murderer at her side is less lethal .  Little Lulu found out “the secret, well part of the secret, and now Dante temporarily will have to settle for just Michael as his roommate.

Ah yes, Michael and Abby.  What a mess.   With the mother from hell interfering, scheming and threatening, there is just NOBODY to root for in this one.  Does Abby mean well?  Seems she does.  Bring on the ex-boyfriend to complicate things and set up a big story for whom????  Of course, it is Daddy in waiting, mighty Jase who still thinks of himself apparently as Michael’s daddy.  While  Sam is running around nursing baby thoughts, Jason will be all things to all people while stroking his notorious box of pain.  He will be  so darn busy,  protector of Brenda, friend of Sonny, “real” father to Michael, father to be material for Sam., and let’s not forget little Jake who is lives in that box of pain and may be “outed” when Liz is ousted.

There are so many other “exciting side plots”  Dr. Steve, his guitar, and Mother Olivia.  Oh wait, we said exciting.   Well, there is the new Dr. Evil who is busy befriending Robin, lusting after psycho Lisa while sleazy Johnny blackmails, sneers, lurks and whatever else is required of him now that he has entered the world of nasty Lisa.  This whole mess has gotten so ugly, that quicksand seems more appealing because it brings a faster end to those caught in a trap  like this one.

All in all, things seems to be moving along just as Guza always plans them…long suffering for many, short periods of happiness followed by long periods of nastiness and suffering.  Writing is like one long bowling game for Guza……set all those pins up so they can repeatedly be knocked down.

Let’s hope there are a few pins left standing for fans who prefer watching something happy once in awhile on this show.  Sonny fans are on red alert already and know that the roller coaster is making its way to the top before all hell breaks loose and it starts this year’s journey.

Stay Fabulous!



Brenda’s secrets come out and Carly thinks she has reasons to expose them. Then it says: Even the past can’t keep Sonny & Brenda apart. Sonny & Brenda are working to make their relationship work now & in the future…….”Amidst these difficult situations romance blooms from Sonny & Brenda! Sonny & Brenda are going to have a great romance to come”
“We’re going to see Sonny and Brenda finally have happiness as they prepare for a February wedding.”

“The flip side to the coin of unconditional love is revenge – and certainly, that is what both Carly and the Balkan have in mind. As a parent who has lost his son, the Balkan will stop at nothing to get what he thinks is justice for his family. Similarly, Carly will not be thwarted until she sees Brenda and Dante pay.”
“There will be tremendous obstacles for Sonny & Brenda! They will come under the fire of a grieving yet violent father and a grizzly mother.”

There will be a wedding on Feb 18th. Will Brenda actually get married though?
At the end of the wedding there will be a resurrection of something from the past event….

The wedding will be lovely!!!.BUT…The threat is two-fold at the wedding is Hurricane Carly and her information and the Balkan who is targeting the wedding for more sinister reasons.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~DAILY SPOILERS~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Monday, January 24
*Lulu is unable to forgive Dante for his lies.
*Brandon becomes aggressive with Abby.
*Michael and Kristina discuss the horrors of the bus accident.
*Shawn helps Molly through a panic attack.
*A haunted Michael has an extreme reaction to Dante’s greeting.

Tuesday, January 25
*Alexis convinces Molly to get help for her problem.
*The Balkan welcomes a mercenary to Port Charles.
(Heiko Obermoller returns as Dimitri, the Balkan’s lead henchman.)
*Lulu mourns the loss of her relationship.
*Dante hopes to reconcile and shows up to take LuLu to the opera & she refuses him.
*Spinelli begs Carly not to reveal damning evidence.
*Lucky, Lulu and Ethan discuss their bad luck when it comes to love.

Thursday, January 27
*Lulu helps Johnny.
*Michael tries to locate Abby.
*Dante and Theo argue over the civil suit.

Friday, January 28
*Michael has flashbacks of his time in prison. (Josh Wingate returns as Carter.)
*LuLu is threaten by the Balkan.
*Brenda & Sam will form a special bond after Brenda ask about baby Lila.
*Sam, Spinelli and Brenda discuss pregnancy which brings up feelings of loss for both Sam and Brenda.
*Sam and Jason agree why they shouldn’t be parents in light of what is happening to Michael.
*Carly and Jax enjoy temporary bliss.
*Brandon decides to teach Abby a lesson after seeing her with Michael.
*Michael is overcome with memories of Carter as he fights Brandon off of Abby.

Monday, January 31
*Michael breaks down & tells Jason the truth about his time in prison.
*Carly asks Jax for divorce after she learns he went to London to protect Brenda from Jerry.
*Robin supports Brenda in overcoming Carly’s threats to ruin her wedding.

Tuesday, February 1
*LuLu finds Brenda in Dante’s arms.
*Michael decides it’s time to seek therapy.

Wednesday, February 2
*Brenda reveals the truth to Sonny!
*Carly seeks revenge on Dante.

Thursday, February 3
*Brenda and Sonny make love.
*Sonny has another nightmare.
*Sonny reassures Brenda that their wedding will go as planned!

Friday, February 4
*Carly tells Sonny the truth about Michael.
*Brenda finds her wedding dress torn to shreds!!!

Tuesday, February 8
*Sonny suggest he & Brenda elope.

Thursday, February 10
*Lulu has a surprise for Dante for Valentine’s Day.

Friday, February 11

Friday, February 25
Franco Appears

Monday, February 28
Franco Appears

These spoilers may have come from GHH

Lucky demands that Siobhan be honest about her feelings for him.Tracy encourages Brook Lynn not to give up on Nikolas.

Edward shares his concerns with Tracy.

Sam claims that she does not want to have a baby.

The Balkan’s mercenary will cause mass chaos in Port Charles.

Maxie provides a listening ear and some words of wisdom for Lulu.

Liz attempts to manipulate Nikolas.
Brook shows up and cramps her style.

What plan does the Balkan have that involves Shawn?

Johnny is badly beaten up by the Balkan’s mercenary.

Lulu tends to Johnny after finding him badly injured.
Lisa stops by.

Ethan accuses Maya of sabotage (this has to do with their apartment vs staying at the Q’s).

Carly and Jax share a brief and loving reunion.

Lulu is threatened by the Balkan.

Carly and Theo cross paths.

Shawn flirts with Carly.

Brenda and Sam have a talk.

Dante tries to get back in Lulu’s good graces with an invitation to the opera…she turns him down.

Dr. Lee informs Sam that the fertility procedure only has a 50% success rate.
Sam flashes back to the loss of her baby girl (who was stillborn)

The issue of the fertility procedure opens a door once thought closed and causes both Sam and Jason to reconsider the possibilities.. “It’s mixed emotions, because he has a son [Jake] that he doesn’t see, and the reason he doesn’t have that little guy is because of [his lifestlye/mob association]. How can he justify having another baby? He loves Sam, obviously, and he wants to support her and do what he can do for her, so he’s in a catch-22. He gets to thinking of things like when Michael was shot… he has to look at his life and say, ‘This isn’t set up for anybody.hen Michael got shot, that [made Jason think], ‘What am I doing?’ This is like my son, and everything bad that’s happened to this kid is because of us.’” says Steve Burton in SOW.

Sam basically says the same thing, “No, my life’s not really set up for kids, either, with my job and what I do. She says, ‘I’m just looking into it right now’. She’s nonchalantly looking into it. There’s no decision at this point; there’s no, ‘Hey, I want to do this.’ It’s just, ‘I’m going to see if it’s possible, and what the odds are.'”

Michael begins to open up to Jason about what happened in prison.

Instead of going to therapy, Molly puts on her matchmaker hat and attempts to get Abby and Michael back together.

Michael experiences a flashback and mistakenly (and briefly) attacks Dante
when he is startled.

Jason intervenes between Abby and Brandon when he comes upon Brandon getting a little rough with her. Brandon pulls a gun, but Jason, naturally, manages to get it away from Brandon.

Jason once again tries to convince Abby to come clean with Michael about why she really broke things off with him, but she is unwilling to risk Michael’s future. Jason later tries to get Michael to back off and respect Abby’s wishes.

Brandon catches up to Abby again, and assaults her when he spots her with Michael. Abby’s scream brings on Michael’s flashback of Carter. Naturally, he flies into a rage and attacks Brandon. Jason hears the commotion in the ally and pulls Michael off of Brandon.

Jason’s first instinct is to cover up Michael’s beating of Brandon. However, Dante believes that Michael is a hero and has nothing to be ashamed of or to hide.
This is what will lead into Michael’s confession that he was sexually assaulted in prison.

Abby examines her bruises.Sam visits with Abby at GH.

Michael has a surprise for Abby after bringing her home from GH.

Nik shows a flash of jealousy when Brooke gets attention from a business partner.

Brenda accuses Carly of destroying her wedding dress.

Lucky plans to entrap the Balkan by ensnaring his mole.
Unfortunately, Siobhan falls right into the trap and Lucky has no choice but to arrest her.

Lucky breaks out Siobhan.

Brenda has some truths for Dante.

Carly points a gun at Dante!

Carly tells Sonny about what really happened to Michael while he was in prison.

Dante contemplates his future with the PCPD.

Brenda and Carly throw down.

Siobhan seeks comfort from Lucky.Shawn knocks out Lucky.

During her online investigation of what is troubling her, Molly befriends Shawn, who may be actually suffering from PTSD. The two form an unlikely friendship. However, there is more him than is initially apparent.
In SID, Guza previews that Matt and Maxie will “play a big part, among other things, in the resolution of Patrick’s story”. Expect their romance to go to the next level.

The story involving Lisa, Patrick and Robin, will, “come to a head during Sweeps and will climax shortly after. Lisa will go to dramatic lengths and it will explode” , declares Guza in SID. Johnny, “plays a big part as a bearer of the truth that Robin needs in order to put Lisa away!”.

Liz sees her past romantic interests move on with other women. The more that happens, the more desperate she becomes. She does another paternity test, one that Helena knows nothing about.

Meanwhile, Lucky and Siobhan’s relationship turns out to be the real deal.

Ethan and Maya struggle to define their relationship. Complications will arise, will they remain faithful?

At the end of Brenda and Sonny’s wedding on Feb. 18th, there will be a resurrection of something from the past event. In SOD, Guza declares, “There will be a wedding. It will be lovely and it will blow your socks off. There is a two fold threat. You’ve got Hurricane Carly with information that could blow this whole thing out of the water, and then you’ve got The Balkan, who is targeting the wedding for something much more sinister.”

Dante could lose it all when Brenda’s secret comes out, and we finally learn what happened to Brenda’s baby. Several couples will be left in shambles.

Sam and Jason await big news.
How will the couple deal with the danger that has prevented Jason from being a Daddy to Jake?
Guza in SID, “That’s the issue. It’s not Sam fighting with Jason about it. Not at all. They are in this completely together. But how do they both get to the place where they could feel comfortable doing what both of them desperately would like, which is to have a child together? How do they get past the danger? What has to happen? And something huge will happen that will get them past this impasse!”

Liz makes her exit from Port Charles and General Hospital.
Expect to see more of Matt and Maxie.

Look for Valentine’s Day to be acknowledged on GH.

Robin serves as Brenda’s matron of honor.

When Sonny and Brenda’s wedding date arrives, Lulu will be at Dante’s side.

Lucky offers to marry Siobhan so she can stay in the U.S.A..

Franco shows up briefly for two episodes, on February 25th and February 28th.

None but the brave will survive (spoilers)

Posted in Fabulous Jones, General Hospital, Honest to blog, Soap Operas, Sonny Corinthos with tags , , , on October 15, 2010 by ghblowhard

They say when one door closes another door opens.  In the case of Sonny, the door that is opening is not a good one.  Sonny thought he did the right thing being honest with fair Claire and then he found out that  Claire was not as understanding  as he hoped.  After smiling bravely at Sonny she went right home, picked up the phone and launched a new attack on her weekend playmate.  Indeed hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Dante, in the meantime, is now re-launching an investigation of that horrible bombing story line that we all thought we had finally put to rest…but no, bring on the fumigators because it is now being rehashed on screen.    Can we escape the usual suspects lined up and rehashing the sins of Sonny to anyone who will actually listen a second time?  Negative!!! .  Since Guza  refuses to jail Sonny for anything wrong,  Uncle Bob  just beats him down by  repeating all his wrongs over and over and over, thereby not only punishing Sonny but sending his faithful fans screaming for mercy.  Let’s  have everyone bring up Claudia’s death and Michael’s jail time, Dante’s shooting, the car bombing that involved the fruit loop mobster  and Kristina, and of course we needed for Sonny to add the self defense shooting of Johnny since there was still room for more damning behavior by the root of all evil, Mob King Sonny Corinthos

While Sonny, foolish as it was to think Guza was going to let him be happy more than three days in a row, was enjoying some getting to know you time with Claire, brave and strong, loyal and trustworthy to the core Jason, just fresh from an unselfish jail stint to protect Michael, is off to Rome to protect Brenda.  We have been told by a parade of Jason worshippers that NOBODY can protect Brenda but the all knowing, all wise hit man and counselor of the needy.  Jason was able to immediately kill the only two guys who might have been able to tell him why they wanted to  harm Brenda.   Back to PC  now, snug as a bug in a rug live indestructible Jason, the ever increasingly cringe worthy love struck Spin person, and Brenda all breaking bread at Jason’s place.  After all according to Suzanne, ONLY Jason can get Brenda to listen and obey.  Tsk tsk, Second again, Sir Jax the protector of all females who favor Sonny over Jax or just favor Sonny period.   Or is it now third place  since Mighty Jase has eased past the insufferable righteous Jasper Jacks as number one PC protector.

Meanwhile all of the attached and unattached women in PC are ready to form a “run her out of town” posse to rid them of Brenda who they seem to feel is stealing the hearts of their men folk.  While this is going on, Brenda is busy visiting folks to explain that she is not able to get back with Sonny, or is she?   First no, then yes, then no.  This sends Robin , fully recovered from nearly dying in a well after being drugged by a crazed nut case, off visiting folks.  Sonny first and then Jax.  Jax of course is  in his usual self proclaimed protector mode.  Both he and  Brenda, have gotten past him dumping her  just before their wedding because he realized she loved Sonny.  That was then and this is now.    Having just had  yet another round of apology/make up sex with Carly assuring her that he cares not for Brenda but for Carly only, noble Jax remains focused as always on his Sonny hate which he passes off regularly as “protection against a dangerous killer.”  Someday, someone should tell him that Jerry, the international drug and arms dealer, also falls into that category…brother or not. After Jerry terrorized half the town, shot Robin, poisoned Nic,  blackmailed Emily, kidnapped Kristina and Michael and shot Jason and left him to die after twice trying to kill Sam, one would think,  Jax might want to rid his life of Jerry but it is far more important to get Sonny out of his life.

So, Brenda we find out knows Dante and they have a big secret they are keeping and the nasty mysterious Balkan is part of it.  What does he want with Brenda?  Now Lucky is out there hunting him down with a brand new Irish accent and possible girlfriend.  Carly is  raving and ranting, Sonny is once again in jeopardy with the law, Jason the almighty is braver than ever and Jax is planning to fight to the end for all  endangered women who show any interest in Sonny.  Where is this all heading?  A duel at sundown where two men draw their weapons from their holsters, Sonny a shiny gun complete with silencer, and Jax, a brand new iPhone with numbers programmed in it of VERY important people?  Guaranteed  “must set your VCR” material.

Pre-Guza, Sonny was  a mobster but fans were not reminded constantly that Brenda and Sonny should not be together, that it was all on bad Sonny because he was a danger to her. Fans were allowed to see them pull together at times and Sonny was not constantly put down by everyone. He had music business, friends and Sonny and Brenda WORKED as a root for couple. Guza is already constantly preaching to the viewers that Sonny is a selfish b*st*rd for wanting Brenda because he is this evil mobster. That is like telling someone ahead of time…hey this girl is too good for this guy and if he pursues her, he is a selfish unlikable creep.These are two mature adults who should be written and played as two people on even ground who are capable of discerning right from wrong and making a decision not colored by a parade of lecturers trying to paint half of the couple as an unworthy selfish jerk. This is exactly what Guza is doing instead of making them a root for couple…bad boy and good girl but whose love transcends their differences. We are not watching for morality lesson and viewers can decide if they want these two together.

And why is everyone getting in Sonny’s face about staying away from Brenda?  The only time Sonny has seen Brenda was when she visited Greystone to see him!!

Who knows how many twists and turns are in store for Sonny and Brenda.  Better question, will Sonny fans still care if Guza continues to draw this out and involve every male on the show on the premise of protecting Brenda if or WHEN Guza decides S&B can have a storyline?

Wherever it is going, one thing we know for sure, is that Guza is going to drag it out for weeks with a unhealthy dose of wash, spin and repeat.  None but the brave,  on screen and off, will survive,

Stay Fabulous!



new SID

Brenda is certain of Sonny’s innocence and puts on a full court press to convince Dante of that. Sonny walks in on her pleading his case to Dante and is touched by her loyalty. He sees her devotion as a sign that she still loves him and attempts to charm her yet again. She shoots him down though, telling him there is no chance for them.

Brenda turns to Jason as a shoulder to cry on but Sonny isn’t giving up so easily. Knowing she’s dealing with conflicted feelings about him he comforts her (that must be when he hugs her at GS) but then she breaks away from his embrace and demands he leave her alone. He agrees to give her space to think but he refuses to turn his back on what he knows is their genuine love. It asks if Brenda will eventually give in before it’s too late with Claire waiting in the wings.

Guza talks about their relationship and how it consumes them. How neither can quit each other. Then Maurice is quoted saying “Brenda acts like she doesn’t want Sonny, but he knows she does”

Friday, October 15
*Carly pushes Sonny to continue his romance with Claire to keep Michael out of prison!

Monday, October 18
*Brenda calls Robin & begs her to keep Sonny away!
*Brenda tries to convince Dante of Sonny’s innocence in the car bomb case.
*Luke and Jason discuss the Balkan.
*Luke asks Carly for a favor.

Tuesday, October 19
*Sonny agrees to Brenda’s request!!!

Wednesday, October 20
*Claire ask Dante to investigate Brenda!
*Will kiss cheat on Sam with Carly?

Thursday, October 21
Carly kisses Jason with the hopes of making Jax jealous.

Friday, October 22
*Carly and Brenda have a confrontation.
*Carly goes into a full-on attack mode.
*Brenda makes an admission to Spinelli.

Some of these may have come from GHH

Maya assists Ethan in his match making scheme and performs a switch-e-roo of medical results.

Lulu tries to get Lucky involved in reuniting their father and Tracy.

Kate in infuriated when she learns her minions did not get Brenda for the Crimson cover.

Carly gets a hint there is something more to Dante and Brenda than meets the eye when Dante has a strong reaction to Johnny and Brenda.

“There’s big stuff when Dante crosses paths with Brenda.” –Guza, SOD

Mayor Floyd tries to recruit Ronnie in his effort to get Dante’s kicked off the PCPD.

Dante takes out his frustrations on Michael.

Sonny wants answers about Brenda from Dante, but they are interrupted by Lulu.

Sam won’t have sex with Jason.

The Balkan orders Ronan to eliminate someone close to Lucky’s heart.

After Lucky and Siobhan sleep together, Lucky learns that The Balkan wants Ronan to eliminate Siobhan. Lucky manages to worm his way out of that and insists that she accompany him back to Port Charles.

Lucky meets with Jason to discuss using Brenda to lure in The Balkan. Unfortunately, one of The Balkan’s men snaps a pic of Ronan and Jason together.

Brenda overhears Sam’s plan to serve as bait for The Balkan.

Brenda has a nightmare.

Luke asks Carly for a favor.

Carly gets her feathers ruffled when she learns that Jax is re-modeling the Metro Court to build an apartment for Brenda.

In yet another display of unbridled selfishness, Carly pushes the boundaries of her friendship with Jason.
Carly plants a passionate kiss on Jason which Brenda observes. (Brenda later tells both Sam and Jax)

Laura Wright explains in TV Guide, “The blowup [between Carly and Brenda] happens when Carly is telling Jason that Brenda will go after Jax like a heat-seeking missile and Brenda overhears it. Carly tries to exit because she knows she can’t win with Brenda but Brenda stops her and says, ‘Maybe you wouldn’t be so insecure if you were loyal to your husband.’ [Laughs]. Then it gets brutal.”

Lisa becomes Patrick’s neighbor in Metro Court.

Robin develops a friendship of sorts with Theo Hoffman, a patient at GH, but there could be more to him than meets the eye. (musing- this actor would make be great for The Balkan, doncha think?)

Lisa tries to make Robin look like a negligent parent.

“Carly will eventually get the keys to the kingdom. She will wind up with the ammunition that can completely destroy Brenda in Port Charles.” Bob Guza, TV Guide.

More trouble for Patrick and Robin.

Jerry Jax first airs again on December 13th.

Luke and Tracy are forced into some alone time, and will have no choice but to “warm up to each other”.

Lulu becomes privy to at least part of the Dante/Brenda connection.

Lisa gets a threatening phone call.

Brenda comes across a familiar dress.

The Court Jesters

Posted in Fabulous Jones, General Hospital, Soap Operas, Sonny Corinthos with tags , , , , on May 10, 2010 by ghblowhard

There they were last Friday (4/7/10) assembled on their own side  – Jax the Ripper, Johnny the Joke, Olivia the Hun, and the noble Lulu supporting her knight in armor, Dante the Daring.

Jax the Ripper is sweating it out now because while the evil court attendees on the bad guys side, Jason the killer, Sonny the root of all evils, and Carly the shreiker,  were exposed as liars and perjurers in an effort to protect Michael,  Jax in his usual sneaky manner kept a low profile hoping he could keep secret the fact that his part in the cover up was to prove an innocent man guilty  not to protect Michael.    Meanwhile Johnny the Joke, preferred to label Evil Sonny as a bad father and hurtful husband, while ignoring the fact that the father he  sought out to work for again tried unsuccessfully to kill saintly Sister Claudia TWICE and was thwarted each time by evil Sonny.  While Sonny tries to save his kids, Papa Anthony tries to kill his or put them in jail.  That’s the kind of guy a dumb cluck like Johnny thinks is a better role model to hook up with when seeking revenge for his sister’s death.   It also slipped his mind  that Johnny attempted to choke his sister  because she was blackmailing his beloved Olivia the Hun about the Dante secret but daring Dante stopped him.  Liar Johnny also skated around his lie  about knowing all along that Michael had killed Claudia which earned him praise from the judge for his resourceful play on words.

Olivia the Hun looked on with motherly pride as her lover and boy toy lied about  terrible Sonny’s “mistreatment” of victim Claudia.   Olivia loves a good lie having perfected that art over 25 years by keeping Dante the Daring a secret from  evil Sonny.  She also knew Claudia AND Johnny were responsible for Michael’s shooting, long before Claudia was killed.  So indeed did Jax the Ripper  know about Claudia and Dante, but he  conspired with the Hun to keep a lid on the truth.

Meanwhile Dante was promising everyone  within earshot that a simple slap on the hands and some counseling would be Michael’s punishment and he would be saved from any further damage evil Sonny could do to him.  WRONG!   Judge Colonel Sanders slapped five years on Michael  starting immediately.  Daring Dante pleaded for leniency and another way to separate son from evil father,  then the root of all evils, Sonny gave an impassioned plea, blaming himself for everything and anything Michael connected and wanted to take his place.  No deal and it ended with a crowd angrier than losing baseball fans.

Smug Jax the Ripper saw his marriage go up in smoke, Dante is low man on the popularity poll,  the shrieker found comfort in the staring hit man’s arms, while Johnny the Joke just wore that same expressionless blank look he always has and Olivia the Hun knew it would take more than  her cooking to put a smile on that face.

As if  all that is not bad enough,  GH’s version of  The Little Rascals,  Molly, Kristina and nuMorgan, were waiting to throw a party for Michael but a lynching party for Dante seems more of a possibility.

All in all a fun day on GH whereby a kid gets sent off to jail without a trial, with no legal representation for a term of  five years while his father, evil Sonny will once again escape jail but will be paying soon by forfeiting a kid as punishment instead.   St. Hit Man will be kicking into Multiman , a miraculous combination of hero and killer and he will no doubt be making deals,  placing himself in danger and being all things to all people in an effort to keep Michael safe.

Can’t wait.

Stay Fabulous!